Student Health Guidelines
- It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the advisor and nursing staff or school personnel in writing of any serious medical condition his or her child may have. Notification should be made in a timely manner.
- Parents should not send a student to school who has a fever of 100 degrees or greater. The student should remain at home until free of fever, without the use of fever reducing medication, for 24 hours. Most fever is lowest in the morning, rises in the afternoon, and is highest in the evening.
Communicable Diseases and Parasites
Students with communicable diseases that could be transmitted in a school environment should not attend school to diminish the spread of their condition to others. Students whom the advisor/school nurse (or his/her designee) determines are unwell for school attendance or who are believed to have a communicable disease will be required to be picked up by their parent or guardian. Examples include but are not limited to: vomiting two or more times, multiple watery loose stools, fever greater than 100 degrees, or an undiagnosed rash or skin change. A student who has been sent home under this policy will subsequently be readmitted, at the discretion of the school nurse (or his/her designee), when the student is no longer a transmission risk. In some instances, a letter from a health care provider may be required prior to the student being readmitted to the school. When a student is found to have lice, the student will be sent home for treatment that day. The parent will treat the child and return the child to school the same day or the following day.
Mental Health
At this time Future School does not employ a full-time counselor. We contract with Western Arkansas Counseling and Guidance as well as Perspectives to provide student mental health resources on campus during the school day. For a referral please speak to your advisor or the front office staff. Referrals need to be signed by parents if the student is under 18 years old. In addition we have many resources for students needing emergency assistance.
Perspectives Crisis Hotline is 1 888 261-2612
The Guidance Center Crisis Hotline 1-800-542-1031
Valley Behavioral Health 479-494-5700
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255
Medication Policy
Medications are generally administered by an Unlicensed Assistive Personnel under the supervision or direction of a school nurse. Medications are given at school as a courtesy to parents. Medications not necessary for attendance may be refused and some prescribed medications may be refused at the nurse’s discretion due to safety issues.
The following requirements are to be met before medication is administered at school:
- All medications must be stored and administered from the original containers with the most current, dated labels. The student’s name must be on the prescription label.
- The medication label is not to be changed in any way. (Name of child, dosage, and time given.) Parents are responsible for getting the medications to and from school.
- A parent must sign medication forms giving school personnel permission for administering medications to their child. The dosage on the medication container and the dosage on the medication permission form must be identical.
- No medication will be given unless it is specifically ordered by the child’s physician to be given during school hours. Medication ordered to be given 1, 2, or 3 times a day will be given at home unless specifically ordered to be given during the school day.
- Medications such as inhalers and auto-injectable epinephrine may be kept with the student provided that all district guidelines and state requirements (ACA 6-18-707) are met. Non-prescription inhalers will not be allowed at school without a written doctor’s order.
- If morning medication, usually given at home, is forgotten – there must be verbal consent from the parent before being given at school.
- The school system is not responsible for reactions caused by medications which are properly administered.
- If questions concerning a medication arise, school personnel have the right to call the doctor/pharmacist regarding medications. The parent/guardian will be notified.
- All medications should be kept in a locking cabinet in the office to be administered by the Unlicensed Assistive Personnel or School Nurse.
- With permission from the parent/guardian, all unused medication may be sent home with the student or collected by the parent/ guardian by the end of the final student day ofthe school year. Any medications remaining after the last school day will be destroyed.
Asthma Inhalers
Students may carry and use an inhaler while in school, at on-site school activity, or at an off-site school sponsored activity provided the following provisions are met:
- The parent/guardian of a student who needs to carry an asthma inhaler shall provide Future School with written permission for the student to carry the inhaler for use while in school.
- A student is prohibited from sharing his/her inhaler with any other person.
- Future School and district employees shall not be liable for injury to a student caused by his or her use of a prescription inhaler.
Auto-injectable Epinephrine
Students may carry and use auto-injection epinephrine while in school, at on-site school activity, or at an off-site school sponsored activity provided the following provisions are met:
- The parent or guardian of a student who needs to carry auto-injection epinephrine shall provide Future School with written permission for the student to carry auto-injection epinephrine on his/her person for use in school.
- This permission shall be for the current school year, while attending Future School.
- The parent or guardian shall provide Future School the following documentation:
- Doctor’s order for auto-injection epinephrine or a prescription label
- A student is prohibited from sharing his/her auto-injectable epinephrine with any other student.The Future School of Fort Smith and district employees shall not be liable for injury to a student caused by his or her use of an auto-injectable epinephrine.
Immunization Requirements for Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
Every child must have received all of the vaccines, or show proof that they have a letter from the Arkansas Department of Health approving serology as proof of immunity in order to continue attendance in a public or private school.
Religious exemptions can be granted for children “on the grounds that such immunization conflicts with the religious tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination of which said parent or guardian is an adherent or member” in accordance with Arkansas Statute. Find the exemption form on the Arkansas Department of Education website.
School officials are required to evaluate the immunization status of all children in their facilities.